Maria Siddha medical college & hospital is one of the finest and noble institutions foundedby Dr.G.RUSSEL RAJ. SIDDHA SYSTEM is one of the oldest systems of medicines in India.The term “Siddha’’ means achievements and “Siddhars” were saintly persons who achieved result in medicine. Eighteen Siddhars were said to have contributed towards the development of this medical system. The siddha system is founded on a blend of ancient medicinal practices, spiritual discipline, alchemy and mysticism.
The Pothu Maruthuvam Department is unique as it deals with multisystem diseases,
infectious diseases and chronic non communicable diseases, life style disorders like
hypertension, dyslipidaemia and type 2 DM and Post stroke disabilities
Our students are exposed to equip themselves in various educational activities along with
bedside clinics, theory classes, CME programs and guest lectures.
Outpatient services are available on all days including holidays from 9 AM to 5 PM.
We conduct community camps where screening for Diabetes, Hypertension, Bronchial
asthma etc..,
Preventive medicine is an inseparable and invaluable component of general medicine.
• Special Medicine is a specialty that deals with health of the people. The main
objectives being assessment of health needs by the population and developing
strategies to meet the needs of quality health services
• This department also include varmam, thokkanam and kayakarpam.Varmam is a
healing application called ‘’ VARMA VAIDHYA ‘’ is used to treat patients suffering
from paralysis, nervous disorder, spondylosis and other joint disorders
• Thokkanam is a structural massage technique mainly used in treatment of Chronic
rheumatic alinments
• Kayakalpam includes avizhtham or medicines and also regimen of life like attanga
yoga. Muppu which is also known as “CROWN OF SIDDHA MEDICINE’’ is also said
to be a part of Kayakalpam.
• Aruvaimaruthuvam is a major speciality department in siddha system that uses
manual techniques to treat pathological condition in patients
• The subject includes minor surgical procedures, external therapies, ENT diseases
and skin diseases
• For the department of AruvaiMaruthuvam in Maria siddha medical college, we have
• Regarding OPD and IPD, we are specialized to treat the skin diseases like
Psoriasis,Karappan,Leucoderma etc.., with specially prepared medicines
• We are conducting special free OP to the Renal stones (Kalladaippu ) once in every
• Both OP and IP, We are also treating Hemorrhoids (Internal and External), Fistulain-
ano, varicosity, varicose ulcer, Diabetic ulcer, Scrotal swelling, ENT diseases,
using with siddha surgical instruments and applying minor surgical procedures
likeAttaividal (Leech theraphy), Suttigai (Cauterization), Vedhu (Steam theraphy),
Pugai (Fumigation), Ottradam, Karanooletc
• We are conducting special free camps for screening the skin cases twice in every
month, in nearby villages and around our college
• We give practical training to students in clinical classes (Both OP and IP).
• Department of Sool and Magalir Maruthuvam has a well experienced team with its
outpatients, inpatient and ward services.
• Comprising of Professors, Associate and Assistant Professors, Doctors and
Internship students, well trained staff nurses, UG students are actively involved in
clinical classes
• The department provides high quality patient care the areas of antenatal care,
postnatal welfare and in treating a wide range of conditions, including sexually
transmitted infections and chronic pain and diseases includes in female
reproductive system such as leucorrhoea,menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea,
amenorrhoea, uterine prolapse, cervicitis, pcoc, fibroid uterus, adenomyosis
• We conduct special OP for infertility for male and female
• TPC wash and pattikattal methods are followed in our OP
• Proper advice and special care are given to each patient. Good diet chart are given to
the antenatal women
• Pediatrics is a medical science concerned with physical, mental, social health of
children from birth to young adhulthood. Pediatrics department in Maria siddha
medical college has both OPD and IPD.
• Regarding OP we are treating the patients with kanam, mantham, kudalkirumi,
pandu below 14 years of age.
• Siddha way of immunization i.e, Uraimathirai is very effective against diseases of
respirstory tract and gastro intestinal tract.
• Recurrant respiratory tract infections like cough, sneeze, rhinitis, peenisam
(sinusitis) are very well treated and the preventive medicine is also given.
• Children with congenital deformities of limb (genu varum, genu valgum) are treated
by applying splint and bandages.
• Regarding IPD we are specialized in treating patients with neurological disabilities
like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism.
• Special therapy of thappalam, tharai, siravasthi and puravalayam of spine gives very
good prognosis of most of their symptoms. Speech deformities are treated by
applying oil in tongue and internal medications.Panchamuttikanchi, a special food
supplement is given in low birth weight and malnourished children.
• We are conducting specials camps in nearby rural areas and schools especially for
children. Parents are counselled to give natural food like sprouts, grains, fruits and
vegetables and avoid fast food.
• A Great care is given to our paediatrics patients which certainly reflect on the
betterment of the society and ultimately our nation.